Herbal Treatments

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Hi, my name is Derick Benito. I am an Ethnomedicines Practitioner and I specialize in Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). I have treated over 30 000 people in the Eastern and Western Cape Regions South Africa and have achieved outstanding results in combating many of the diseases plaguing South Africa, by recommending the Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) to my patients.

I joined Tasly in March 2003 and together with the Distributors we built this area to one million per month within 30 months. There are well known networkers who cannot believe what we have achieved in Siberia, the name given to East London by Networkers. Network Marketing has fantastic Marketing Plans that awards you on the simple principal of “the more you do the more you earn” Find the product that YOU want to market and use, Join the Network Marketing Company, apply the principals and build your own business achieving your own success in life. 

There are many people out there that are battling to pay their bond, school fees, etc. I know people who have to work over-time in order to just survive for the month. Do you know any body like that?? The month is always longer than your cheque. I have been there, but network marketing has changed my way of thinking and my way of life. The first 100 people I spoke to turned me down, but this drove me even harder to prove them wrong.

98% of Millionaires come from network marketing. In 1990, Charmaine and I attended a conference in Mauritius and one of the International Speakers said that, “In the year 2000 companies will be moving their products through the network marketing system”. Look around you, how many companies are selling their products through network companies? Networking is empowering the people. Are you going to become one of the success stories?

Studies have proven that out of 100 people that have worked to the age of 65.
> 1 will become a self made millionaire
> 4 will be financially dependant
> 15 will have some savings
> 80 will be dependant on others or are still working

80% of people worry about money, and 80% of these worries are about not having enough!!!! The decision you make today will determine the quality of your life tomorrow. Right now take a moment to reflect on where you are today. Is it where you want to be? Are you living your dream? Or are you on a journey without a destination? Are you providing for your family the way you want to, or are you just getting by?

Thousands of people live their lives without reaching their full potential or achieving their goals. The difference between them and you might be the opportunity you are holding in your hands today. It is up to you to use this proven and unique opportunity for success.

WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Ask yourself the following questions:
Are you happy?
Where do you want to be?
What do you want out of life?
How are you going to reach your financial goals?
Do you need to change the direction you are traveling?

If you have more questions than answers we can help!! Herbal Treatments have a proven system, and if followed correctly will lead to financial success! Positive change however starts with you, and if you are willing to take the necessary steps, Herbal Treatments will change your life. We offer a unique business opportunity that has been proven over many years and has produced many success stories!

Join today and become an Affiliate Member of Nanonutrients

How to get started?

Click on the following Link and Register

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